Starseries & I-League Season 7 goes to China.

Starladder I-league events are some of the most well-known events in the CS: GO calendar year. Often featuring the best teams in the Counter-Strike Esports scene, Starladder has hosted tournaments for several years now.

Starladder I-League Season 7 is announced for the 30th of March 2019 till the 7th of May 2019. The tournament organiser has also announced an increased prize pool of $500,000. In addition to this, they will revert back to the Best of Three game format for the tournament. However, in what is the most important part of the announcement is that the event will take place in Shanghai.

Starladder & I-League Season 7 will see sixteen teams participating in Shanghai. Out of these, thirteen teams will receive direct invites to the tournament. The remaining three teams will participate via qualifiers. Each of North America, Europe and Asia will have one qualifier each. The details of these qualifiers will be announced later.

Return to BO3 Swiss format.

Tournament organisers constantly tamper with the formats. This is an attempt to strike a balance between the time available as well as the best possible scenario for the teams. It does not often provide the best results especially with the lack of proper seeding for the teams. We often see teams out of the event after just losing a couple of matches.

The Best of Three Swiss Match format is one of the more secure and widely accepted formats for CS:GO. With teams provided multiple chances to prove themselves on the big stage, the format allows for mistakes. Teams can afford upsets and still qualify for the next stage.

Wild – The first Invite from South America

Team Wild, the winner of Gamecon Brasilia 2018 is the first team to receive an invite to the tournament. Gamecon Brasilia 2018 served as the South American qualifier [ although it is not explicitly listed as a qualifier]. Starladder wants to allow players from various nationalities and regions to participate in their tournaments.

The South American region has plenty of players with high potential, but they are almost unable to prove themselves on the international stage and to become a part of some famous organization. Only a few teams have managed to “escape” from the region and, moreover, it became possible only due to great efforts and no smaller portion of luck.

Starting in 2019, we are planning to open another way to the international stage for these players. We are starting to cooperate with local leagues and tournament organizers who can organize regional qualifications and send the best teams to the LAN-finals of StarSeries

The Starladder & I-league Season 6 saw Finnish team ENCE emerge as the winners. We don’t know if they will receive an invite to the next season, but we hope they do get a chance to defend their title.


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