The size of the snowboard you ride on is critical because compatible dimensions help you keep your board under control. A dedicated women’s snowboard chart outlines the ideal board size based on your height and weight.
Snowboards for females and your male counterparts are designed differently so you can both enjoy the thrill of your winter sports adventure. To determine the snowboard size apt for you, consider your ability level, riding style, weight, height, and boot size.
Size Matters
Sourcing a snowboard purely on looks or brand name will not add value to your level of sporting expertise. On the contrary, this approach may hinder your performance. Your physique as a woman differs from an average male. Always refer to an exclusive women’s snowboard chart before finalizing a deal.
Women’s snowboards are constructed such that you can control them with ease. Their lighter material composition, softer flex, and narrower waists all contribute to better board response. When snowboarding, your struggle to control the machine adversely impacts your stability and makes smooth maneuvering a challenge.
Correlation between Snowboard Size and Other Essential Considerations
The traditional board sizing method of picking one that ends between your chin and nose when held upright against you is not full proof. Discussing here the correlation between snowboard size and the following:
Your Weight
Even if you share the same height as your male counterpart, your frame determines the strain your body puts on the snowboard. A longer snowboard suits a heavier rider.
Should you have a lean frame, controlling a long snowboard does prove challenging. After all, the board’s surface area must equally distribute your weight for you to enjoy a smooth ride.
Your Height
Considering two individuals from opposite genders similar in height need not necessarily weigh the same, the weight aspect becomes more critical. Yet, the snowboard you choose must offer a stance proportionate to your height. Opt for a wide or narrow stance based on how tall you are.
Your Riding Style
Should you prefer steep runs, fast laps, and big hits, longer boards assure you of greater stability while speeding. They float better even on rough terrain and have your back while landing on cliffs and jumps.
Additional length is not required if you get an adrenaline rush riding in snow parks, as in freeride snowboarding. For the latter, edge hold and stability are prerequisites.
Your Ability Level
A shorter board requires less effort to initiate turns and is recommended for beginners. Even if you are a pro at navigating mountainous terrain, a shorter snowboard is more responsive and playful. Longer boards offer more stability as your snowboarding skills advance.
Your Boot Size
Should you have small feet, a board with a narrow width will offer you better leverage. Wide boards are appropriate for large feet to keep your toes and heels out of the snow. The width of your board is in proportion to its length, and your boot size is an essential consideration.
Your snowboard should be your supportive partner, whether you are a novice or pro at the sport.
Lean on snowboarding authorities to pick the right-sized board and make your adventure a thrilling one.