Top 5 WWE matches of 2018

Pete Dunne, Ricochet, and War Raiders (Hanson and Rowe) vs The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong) – NXT Takeover WarGames

The first of the three matches that are featuring in this list. NXT’s last PPV of the year, NXT Takeover: WarGames saw The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong) taking on the team of WWE United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne, NXT North American Champion Ricochet and War Raiders (Hanson and Rowe) in a WarGames match in the Main Event.

Adam Cole and Ricochet started off the match and had O’Reilly, Hanson, Strong, Rowe and Fish followed them to the ring in order. Fish, while entering the ring, locked Dunne in his team’s cage using his team’s lock and it took Dunne some more time to enter the ring.

When all eight men were in the ring, the match gained momentum and it went on to become one of the classic matches of the tear. All eight men were very particular in tearing the opposition apart, even if it came at their expense. It had almost every single move one can imagine and every single weapon, chairs, tables, kendo sticks etc. were used. The members of both the teams locked into each other and put themselves through a unified suplex from the cage wall onto the mat. The only competitor not involved in that maneuver, Ricochet, dropped himself from the top of the cage with an incredible double-rotation moonsault.

The match came to an end when Dunne hit Cole with a Bitter End and Ricochet followed it up with a 450° splash and both of them covered Cole for the win.

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