Nineteen-year-old Britta Schwengle, born into a fisherman’s family in Aruba, has embarked on her journey on the global stage of the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka. Competing in the demanding women’s 10km and 5km races, she secured commendable 49th and 47th positions, respectively, among a competitive field of over 60 swimmers.
Schwengle’s unwavering dedication and fervor for open water swimming were palpable as she shared her exhilaration with World Aquatics after the event. She conveyed her enthusiasm, saying, “I felt way faster than the 10km. So, it was great. It was a great race.”
Discussing the challenges she encountered during the race, she explained, “The race conditions started pretty good. And then I got a little bit hot, but I’ve had worse, so it wasn’t too bad. The longer you swim, the hotter your body gets. Other than that, I felt good. I love it.”
Amidst the intense competition at the World Aquatics Championships, Schwengle had the opportunity to share the waters with her role models, esteemed swimmers Sharon Van Rouwendaal (NED) and Ana Marcela Cunha (BRA). These renowned athletes serve as a wellspring of inspiration for Schwengle, fueling her aspirations to ascend to the ranks of top-tier swimmers herself.
In awe of her idols, Schwengle expressed her sentiments, stating, “It’s amazing for me just seeing them. Just like, I feel accomplished already.”
Swimming has been ingrained in Schwengle’s life since infancy. Growing up in a family of fishermen, she was introduced to the water when she was a mere six months old, following a tradition where infants are playfully immersed in the ocean. This early connection with open water paved the way for her natural affinity towards swimming from a young age. By the time she reached eight years old, she was already participating in competitive swimming events, marking the beginning of her promising journey.
By – Sahiba Suri