Mayank Agarwal, the captain of the Karnataka cricket team, has been discharged from an Agartala hospital after a mid-flight medical emergency. The incident occurred when he experienced a burning sensation in his throat and mouth during a flight to Surat after consuming liquid from a bottle. Despite the discomfort and vomiting, Agarwal is now stable and has returned to Bengaluru. This unexpected health issue forces him to miss Karnataka’s upcoming Ranji Trophy fixture against Railways.
Agarwal’s troubles began on a flight to Surat when he drank liquid from a bottle, thinking it was water. The burning sensation and subsequent vomiting prompted the flight to return to Agartala. He was then rushed to ILS Hospitals, where he received injections for pain relief during his journey back to Bengaluru. Agarwal is expected to consult with doctors in Bengaluru as a precaution.
The medical bulletin from the hospital mentioned “oral irritation” and “swelling on the lips.” In response, Karnataka’s team manager filed a complaint with the Tripura Police, requesting an investigation into the incident. The police assured that they would register the complaint and look into the matter.
In Agarwal’s absence, Karnataka will be led by Nikin Jose in the upcoming Ranji Trophy fixture against Railways. Karnataka currently holds the second position in Group C with two wins, a loss, and a draw in four matches.
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By- Sahiba Suri